Our most popular PDF. An easy to follow flowchart outlining the qualificaiton requirements for working in (most) international schools.
What Counts As Qualified?
Tech Specs
Single page PDF, 842kb
EDDi is designed to keep you up-to-date with current research and best practice - with a heavy focus on international education.
Alongside opinion pieces, practical teaching advice and leadership guidance, we distill lengthy peer-reviewed and published academic articles (each article we read often running to 8,000 words), giving you the key highlights and takeaways.
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Collated and edited by a team of experienced international school leaders and university academic staff, EDDi gives you access to vital educational research an opinion.
1. A carefully curated SELECTION of opinion pieces, practical advice and news.
2. An expert SUMMARY of 3-4 educational research papers. Our aim is less than 1,000 words per article. That’s a 5 minute read per article - and, you won’t be reading every article every week, just those which interest you.
We also publish ‘EDDi Extras’, occasional Special Editions (example here), thought-provoking opinion pieces (example here) and share interesting podcasts (listen here).
Our most popular PDF. An easy to follow flowchart outlining the qualificaiton requirements for working in (most) international schools.
Single page PDF, 842kb